April 12, 2023
Everybody wants to look and feel good- especially with summer around the corner! We have included a few potential reasons beyond diet, sleep, stress and exercise as to why you could be struggling with weight loss and some recommendations on how to remedy. 8 Potential Alternate Reasons You Could be Struggling to Lose Weight Nutritional Imbalances- we tend to eat an overabundance of calories in processed foods that have depleted nutrients. It is important to eat nutrient rich foods and follow a higher protein, lower carb diet and trying to "eat the rainbow" by incorporating phytorich, colorful foods in every meal. Unbalanced gut microbiome- this is the ecosystem/bacteria in your gut and when unbalanced can contribute to weight issues. These abnormal bacteria can contribute to "leaky gut" and these toxins can be released into the blood stream and stimulate the immune system and affect the insulin receptors to release more insulin and contribute to weight gain. Inflammation-can stem from various toxins, viruses, gut microbiome, food allergens, processed food and heavy metals in our environment-even untreated sleep apnea can put a strain on our bodies. This chronic inflammation can damage our DNA . There is a direct link between inflammation and the ability to lose weight. Environmental toxins/obesogens- these are compounds/chemicals in environment that can interfere with your metabolism. Try to reduce exposure to chemicals in your home products/beauty products and foods. The phone app "Think Dirty" can be helpful when trying to decide on safe products. There are supplements that can also be taken to help support you body's natural detoxification system too! Metabolism-if your mitochondria (powerhouses in your cells) are not functioning well it can contribute to aging and weight gain. A low glycemic diet, time restricted eating, HIT training, hot/cold therapies and certain supplements can support your mitochondria to help. Hormone irregularities- thyroid, adrenal and sex hormones play an important component to weight management. It is recommended to have your thyroid evaluated and be sure you are supporting your thyroid so it can function properly. Stress can contribute to weight gain by stimulating your adrenal gland to increase your cortisol levels which increases your appetite and contributes to belly fat. Your sex hormones also naturally decline with aging and lack of testosterone can contribute to losing muscle mass and gaining fat. Women also tend to have estrogen dominance and this can contribute to storing fat. To help balance estrogen balance you can try limiting sugar, alcohol, dairy and processed foods. Genetics- There are various genes that contribute to obesity/insulin resistance. Some genes can make you more sensitive to carbohydrates and fats while other genes can affect your responsiveness to exercise. There are tests that we can be run to evaluate this! Social networks - Our behavior can be determined by our social networks. Data has shown that if you have friends or family that are overweight you are more predisposed to being overweight too. Tips For Support Weight loss Eat clean, whole foods that are sustainably grown when able Try to aim for 10,000+ steps daily to stay active and 150 minutes of scheduled exercise a week at minimum and more if desire to lose weight Eat enough protein daily ( 1.3gram/kg/day) Avoid storing food in plastic containers due to the endocrine disrupting chemicals and opt for glass options Choose clean, non-toxic cosmetic and personal care products Supplement with micronutrients such as vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Micronutrients are involved by helping proteins work properly in our bodies, are needed as cofactors for cell processes and bind to reactive/damaging molecules to neutralize them. Consider hormone replacement when applicable Supplement with quality probiotic to balance gut microbiome Written by: Dr. Dina Diehl